Allon Plan

The Allon Plan (Hebrew: תוכנית אלון‎) was a proposal to end the Israeli occupation of the West Bank with a negotiated partition of the territory between Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It is named after Yigal Allon, who drafted it shortly after the Six-Day War in June 1967.

The broad aim of the plan was to annex most of the Jordan Valley from the river to the eastern slopes of the West Bank hill ridge, East Jerusalem, and the Etzion bloc to Israel. At the same time, the heavily populated areas of the West Bank hill country, together with a corridor that included Jericho, would be offered to Jordan.

The Plan was shown to King Hussein, who rejected it, saying "My problem is how to explain the solution to my nation if it is not a solution that will be acceptable to the Arab awareness."[1]

The plan also included the creation of a Druze state in Syria's Quneitra Governorate, including the Israeli-held Golan Heights.[2] Allon died in 1980, and the following year the Israeli government passed the Golan Heights Law, effectively annexing most of the governorate.


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